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Awards and Results

Highlights of Award Winner

St. Teresa Secondary School

St. Teresa Secondary School is fully committed to promoting health education and integrating green concepts into the campus life with a whole-school approach. For years, the school has implemented a wide range of initiatives, aiming at developing an environment-friendly attitude among school management, teachers, staff, students and their families, as well as creating a sustainable, energy-saving and low carbon environment. Under the 4Ts Charter, the school has formulated comprehensive healthy school policies with performance indicators and devised effective green measures, such as setting all computers to energy-saving mode, installing solar panels on the rooftop, affixing solar insulation films to classroom windows, as well as installing sensor-controlled lighting systems in the covered playgrounds and staircases. All these have achieved remarkable results.

In addition, the school has enhanced students' environmental awareness by integrating values based education into the formal curriculum. Students are passionate about STEM activities on environmental protection. In recent years, with the concerted efforts of both teachers and students, they have won several awards in various inter-school activities and competitions, including an Award of "Energy Saving Championship Scheme 2017", the Champion of Inter-school Cross-curricular Project Competition on Climate Change and the Gold Award for Smart City Inter-school Big Data Science Competition. The school also endeavors towards promoting green culture to the community. Its unfailing effort to inspire others is demonstrated through sharing valuable experience and achievements on green practices with other schools.

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