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Energy Saving Championship Scheme


Climate Change is a cross-sector, cross-domain subject which has far reaching socio-economic and cultural impacts across the globe. As a member of the global village, Hong Kong, China needs to respond positively and ready itself for making greater effort to combat climate change.

The Government pledged a new target of reducing 5% electricity consumption in government buildings over the next five years from 2015 to 2020 using 2013-14 as the base year. Major new government buildings and public housing are targeted to achieve a higher green building standard. By the application of innovation and technologies, the energy saving and conservation in buildings in the community are targeted to be further enhanced.

The Energy Saving Championship Scheme encourages the planning and adoption of Innovation and Technology (I&T) on energy efficiency and conservation (EE&C) and / or renewable energy (RE) technology by internal teams of various industry organisations or through collaboration with I&T partners, so as to promote concerted efforts among the industries in low-carbon transformation. The students category is created to inspire the creativity and imagination of young people in energy saving and the development of renewable energy

Your Support

As the community plays an indispensable role when it comes to energy conservation, we would like to appeal for supports from different sectors of organisations and students by participating in the "Energy Saving Championship Scheme 2018" (the Scheme)

The Scheme is to encourage more organisations from different sectors to take the lead to plan for and adopt the application of I&T on EE&C and / or RE technology, offer premises to facilitate field test, and share their exemplary experience. Also, the Scheme is to encourage youth to express their innovative and imaginative ideas on EE&C and / or RE initiatives or technology. Champions of each category will be invited as role models to share experience on application of energy efficient and renewable energy technologies through visits or seminars for the trades.

We look forward to the concerted efforts of the Government and the community in promoting a healthy, liveable and sustainable environment in Hong Kong, China.